Equipment Rentals

Construction Equipment Rentals Make Life Easier

From aerial lifts to excavation equipment, U-Rent makes life a whole lot easier for professional contractors and do-it-yourselfers in West Virginia. We can help you make the chores around the house go somoother with affordable equipment rentals on things like ladders, lifts and powerful hand tools. From lifts for tree trimming to power tools for digging trenches, we also have all of the equipment necessary for proper lawn maintenance and landscaping. Whatever the task, we have the equipment! 

Benefits of Renting Your Equipment From U-Rent

It’s becoming increasingly popular to rent construction equipment for your job site rather than purchase the equipment yourself. That’s because there are many benefits in doing so, including:

  • No Purchase Costs – Let’s face it. Brand-new construction equipment can be expensive, especially the more specialized that it is. Renting the equipment allows you to avoid the high start-up costs associated with purchasing equipment so that your business can better allocate its limited resources elsewhere.

  • Less Maintenance – Heavy machinery requires regular maintenance and repairs to ensure it’s operating properly, which can become costly over time. When you rent equipment, it’s up to the rental company to keep up with those maintenance cost.

  • No Storage Required  If you’re a smaller business or a do-it-yourselfer, you may not have enough space, leaving equipment exposed to the elements can create additional maintenance costs.

  • Project-Specific Equipment  If you’re balancing multiple projects at once (and most of us are), renting project-specific equipment helps you eliminate delays so you can focus on the tasks at hand.

  • Less Logistics Nightmares  Heavy equipment requires major transportation to haul it from job ste to job site. Transporation delays equal project delays. Renting equipment makes the process more efficient and ensures it’s transported properly and all in one piece.

  • No Depreciation Construction equipment is constantly going up and down in market value. By renting equipment rather than buying it, you can avoid the inevitable depreciation in value when the equipment becomes outdated and/or replaced by more modernized equipment.

Contact Us for a Free Construction Equipment Rental Estimate